2024 Week 1
This week is the first week of 2024, and the official 1st entry to this journal. As stated in the previous entry this journal will document my journey delving deeper into Robotics. Most entries will be short going forward, just a few lines.
The first few weeks/months I will be focusing on increasing my knowledge and experience in coding. I will be focusing on Python and C++ as they seem to be the main programming languages used in the robotics field and required by employers. I have used both programming languages in the past, but I have not used them recently or for major projects. I will start by reviewing the basics through CodeAcademy courses to remember the syntax.
This week I spent 3 hours this week starting the Python course and got up to 13% completion. The course itself isn’t difficult since I know other languages and have used python before, but it just takes time to go through the documentation for each lesson and program what they are asking for. I had started the C++ course last year which is why you see the progress at 33%. Hopefully I don’t just skip straight to the intermediate lessons so I can receive the certificate and have something tangible to show some progress, not just for me but potential future employers.